Mile Stones


  • Spectral wins “FTTH Framework for Network construction” project from Oman Broadband Company for projects across Oman, valid three years and extendable one year.  Contract to operate till Dec 2021, valued at $ 20 million.  Against said frame contract Spectral completes projects in Sohar (2019-valued at $ .33 million), Rustaq (2019 valued at $ .054 million).  Spectral has fresh contracts awarded in Musannah (2020 – valued at $ 2.6 million), Ibra (2020 valued at $ 0.5 million) and Sohar (2020- valued at $ 1 million).
  • Spectral is awarded “FTTX Home Connection” project for a second term, contract period 2020 – 2023, valued at $ 10 million.
  • Spectral completes a milestone of 20,000+ home connections across various regions of the Sultanate of Oman.
  • Oman Broadband Company awards multiple projects to Spectral Link against stiff competition in Samael Industrial (2016 valued at $ .73 million), Sohar (2017-18 valued at $ 3.9 million), Al Khuwair (2017-18 valued at $ 2.3 million) and Al Khod (2017-18 valued at $ 3.5 million).
  • Spectral handles Service Assurance project for Awasr with principals EXFO-Astellia and Fiber monitoring solutions for defense establishment.
  • Spectral handles copper cable sales valued at $ 1 million plus to MNE contractors across Oman.
  • Spectral handles Test and measurement equipment and accessory sales to clients and contractors across Oman from EXFO (Canada), Sumitomo (Japan) and Opterna-Belden (USA) valued at $ 2.65 million.
  • Spectral aligns with Bayka, Germany (WILMS Group) for LV power cables and specialty cable marketing in Oman and UAE.
  • Omantel awards a three year (2015- 2018) contract for design, supply, installation and commission of Telecom towers across Oman valued at $ 9.5 million.  However, this contract was subsequently cancelled in mutual agreement by all major contractors owing to non-viability.

2010 – 2015:

  • Spectral Link is upgraded to “Excellent” category in Tender board
  • Spectral takes up representation in water sector for STP and RO projects
  • Relocation of 220 KV lines at Bathinah Costal Highway Project worth $ 1.3 million
  • Weather Radar Project of DGMAN secured for Salalah, Ras Al Hadd, Duqum, Fahud and Muscat, total contract valued at $ 1.8 million
  • Supply of cables to Oman fiber optics worth $3 million
  • Two year Microwave upgrade contract from Omantel
  • Aster Construction of 132 KV lines for Qurum project services $0.2 million
  • Spectral successfully completes relocation of 132 KV lines on IC 12 along MEW – $2 million
  • Contract for construction of 132 KV lines for Qurum project worth $1.3 mililon
  • Spectral takes up representation rights for Baliga, Chennai and handles oil tanking project supplies
  • Spectral – Aster complete commissioning of three major 132KV relocation works at IC 6, IC 7 & IC 10B.

Inception to 2010

  • A repeat order secured in Afghanistan for supply of cables worth $ 1.8 million.
  • Spectral takes up representation for Sumitomo  Electric Industries, Japan for fusion products  and fiber.
  • Repeat orders for 132 KV tower relocation and 132 KV tower constructions in the Qurum region secured.  Orders valued at $ 3.5 million
  • Fiber supply contract inked for Sumitomo, Japan for recurring supplies valued at $ 2 million+.
  • A contract secured in Afghanistan for supply of cables worth $ 1.8 million.
  • Spectral successfully qualifies Aster at PDO oman.
  • ISO 9001:2000 certification by AIB Vincotte.
  • Spectral Link secures first major contract valued at $ 3 million for design, fabrication, supply, installation and erection of 132 KV transmission lines for its principals, Aster India.
  • Spectral takes up representation for Textron USA group companies, Plumettaz Switzerland and DETA of UK.
  • Spectral secures $ 1 million contract for Telecom product supplies in Iraq
  • Major contracts for 11 & 33 KV tower supplies in the Sharqiya region secured.
  • Spectral secures contracts for copper telecom cable supplies valued at over $ 3 million.
  • Spectral  Link takes up representation in Telecom and Power sector, EXFO Canada, Aster India & Rishabh
  • Spectral Link is constituted as a Grade I, Limited Liability Company.